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4 1/2 stars

Love is Magic.
The passage from this world to the fantasy kingdom of Stormhold is through a breech in a wall beside an English village. In the 1800s, a boy becomes a man when he ventures through the breech in pursuit of a fallen star, to prove his love for the village beauty. The star is no lump of rock, it's a maiden, Yvaine. Tristan, the youth, is not the only one looking for her: three witches, led by Lamia, want her heart to make them young; and, the sons of the dead king of Stormhold want her because she holds a ruby that will give one of them title to the throne. Assisting Tristan are his mother, the victim of a spell, and a transvestite pirate of the skies. Will Tristan win his true love? (Source: IMDB)

Starring: Claire Danes, Ian McKellen, Charlie Cox, Michelle Pfeiffer, Robert De Niro
Released: 2007

Megan's Movie Review:
I absolutely LOVE this movie. Some of you might disagree, but I loved the romance in this. It was so sweet and true, it made me in love with this movie. I love the fantasy side of it as well, so if you don't like fantasy, I'm guessing you probably won't enjoy this. It had some funny parts in the movie, that if you pay attention you'll understand their hidden jokes. For instance, all the sons of the dead king were named a number in Latin (I think that's the right language). Just funny stuff like that is entertaining in this movie. But I loved Tristan in this movie. I thought he was so genuine and I couldn't help but just fall in love with this movie and its romance. It is definitely one of my personal favorites.

Stardust fans out there??!

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