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3 3/4 stars

After super-villain Megamind (Ferrell) kills his good-guy nemesis, Metro Man (Pitt), he becomes bored since there is no one left to fight. He creates a new foe, Titan (Hill), who, instead of using his powers for good, sets out to destroy the world, positioning Megamind to save the day for the first time in his life. (Source: IMDB)

Starring: Will Ferrell, Brad Pitt, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill, David Cross
Released: 2010

Megan's Movie Review:
To be honest, I wanted to see this movie but I didn't really want to see it in theaters. My husband, on the other hand, wanted to see this in theaters, so we saw it the opening weekend. And to my surprise, I really liked it more than I thought I would. Will Ferrell has such a hilarious voice and he did a great job as the alien. I also couldn't picture Brad Pitt in an animation film, but it worked good. It was a funny movie!! There were two favorite parts in the movie that I loved. The "forget-me" stick (you'll have to watch the movie to understand) and when Will Ferrell says, "Back you savages!!". Soo funny! This was a really cute story and you couldn't help but fall in the love with the blue guy. I definitely recommend it and kids would enjoy this movie for sure.

Megamind opinions?

1 Movie Review Comments:

Scott said...

Liked this movie. I thought it was pretty funny. Not the best movie I have ever seen but I liked it. I would recommend it.