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Big Fish

4 1/2 stars

An adventure as big as life itself. 

The story revolves around a dying father and his son, who is trying to learn more about his dad by piecing together the stories he has gathered over the years. The son winds up re-creating his father's elusive life in a series of legends and myths inspired by the few facts he knows. Through these tales, the son begins to understand his father's great feats and his great failings. (Source: IMDB)

Starring: Ewan McGregor, Albert Finney, Billy Crudup
Released: 2003

Megan's Movie Review:
I don't know why, but I love this movie! It is so weird and unusual but there is just something about it that grabs my attention. I find it very sweet at the end when he finally understands his father and bonds with him. The story is good though and of course my favorite part of the movie is when he finds his girl. It was so sweet and romantic! Tim Burton has some unusual films yet I usually like them a lot. My husband doesn't like this movie because he thinks the dad is a big, fat liar but I loved this movie. Watch it if you haven't seen it! I dare you. Just remember it is a little strange but you can't help but love it. Maybe..

What do you think about this movie??

1 Movie Review Comments:

Anonymous said...

Love this movie