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Reviewed by Scottie and Megany at 9:31 PM 0 Movie Review Comments
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X-Men: The Last Stand
Take a Stand.
It has been several months since The X-Men stopped William Stryker, but that victory came at a price, they have lost Jean Gray when she tried to save them from the collapsed reservoir. Scott Summers (Cyclops) is still grieving about her loss. One day, he came out to the place which is where Jean Gray sacrificed herself. Then, Jean Gray appeared right in front of him. Though, it seemed that after that, Scott had disappeared. Meanwhille, the rift between humans and mutants had finally reached the boiling point. When humans discovered what causes humans to mutate, they have found a cure for the mutation. The X-Men were appalled at this idea. It was not long at all until the news about the cure came to Magneto. He decides to organize an army of mutants and wage his war against the humans. Then, it became clear that Jean Gray evolved into the Pheonix, her new mutant powers are so strong that she can not control her own body... (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, Famke Janssen
Released: 2006

I really liked this movie. It was pretty intense and there were some things in this movie that I didn't expect to happen when I first saw it. For instance, *Spoiler* that the Professor died pretty early in the movie, and also Scott. I had never watched the cartoons so I didn't know that Jean was evil or that she was alive. I had hoped that she was alive, but I didn't expect her to turn crazy evil. I felt so bad for Angel when he was a child (the kid with the wings). How sad that he felt like he needed to try and cut off his wings. It was horrible. Maybe I'm more sympathetic towards kids now because I now have a child of my own. I just can't imagine my child having to say sorry for something they can't control. (This is how you know I get way too into my movies lol). Wolverine is my favorite, of course, but I really liked Beast. He was awesome and super cool! So at the end of the movie, do you think that Magneto still had his powers or that they were coming back to him? I kind of think that the cure eventually wears off and that they can get their powers back. Like I said, I never watched the cartoons so I have no idea if this even happened in the cartoons. The fight scenes in the movie were great and I loved the battle at the end. Very good movie.
What do you all think about it?
The Switch
3 3/4 stars
The most unexpected comedy ever conceived.
Kassie (Jennifer Aniston) and Wally (Jason Bateman) are best friends. Being unlucky in love, Kassie has decided to have a child using artificial insemination. Wally doesn't like this idea, but he isn't capable of admitting to himself, let alone to Kassie, that he's in love with her. At Kassie's artificial insemination party, Wally gets very drunk and spies the sperm donor's sample in the bathroom. Wally was way too drunk to know what he did that night, and Kassie has moved away because she doesn't feel that New York City is a place to raise a child. Now 7 years later, Kassie has moved back with her son Sebastian. While she is looking to get Roland (the sperm donor) more involved in their lives, Wally can't help but notice the many striking similarities that he and Sebastian share. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Jennifer Aniston, Jason Bateman
Released: 2010

Okay. So this movie was interesting. I didn't appreciate the sexual comments in the movie or how he donated his sperm to her. It was weird and dumb and we ended up fast forwarding through that part of the movie. I would say that this isn't for kids and adults only. Anyways, so the kid in this movie was so adorable. I just loved him! I know that you might think this is crazy, but my favorite part of the movie was when he had to take care of the boy and help him get rid of his lice. It sounds gross, but it was really sweet in the movie. He knew it was his son, but he hadn't told her yet, and he was being a real dad. It was just so cute. It did make me sad when the boy got beat up by these kids at school. But I really liked how he showed up at Wally's house. And I did like the part where they went to the zoo and they were looking at the penguins. Their conversation was cute. The ending was almost perfect. I was hoping that she would be pregnant again.
Comments please.
Reviewed by Megan at 10:47 PM 1 Movie Review Comments
Categories 3.75 stars, Comedy, Drama, Romance
The Next Three Days
3 3/4 stars
Lose who you are to save what you love.
Lara Brennan is arrested for murdering her boss with whom she had an argument. It seems she was seen leaving the scene of the crime and her fingerprints were on the murder weapon. Her husband, John would spend the next few years trying to get her released, but there's no evidence that negates the evidence against her. And when the strain of being separated from her family, especially her son, gets to her, John decides to break her out. So he does a lot of research to find a way. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Russell Crowe, Elizabeth Banks
Released: 2010

Stress Fest. Intense. At times in the movie I couldn't keep watching because it stressed me out so much. I felt so bad for the husband & son because the wife was in prison. But I couldn't believe that he would murder, lie, and steal for his wife just to get her out of prison? Didn't he think about his child?! And then making his child a part of his crimes.. What if they got caught? There were so many moments in the movie that were close calls. He was pretty thorough in his research and making sure that his plan was successful. Ugh it stressed me out so much. And it wasn't a scary kind of stressed, it was just plain stressful. "Is he going to get away?" "Everything seems to be going wrong." Those were my thoughts. In the end, it was good and (*Spoiler*) she was innocent. I thought for sure she had done it but she really didn't. Well, I would recommend watching this movie. It was intense.
What'd you think of this exciting movie?
Reviewed by Megan at 10:03 PM 2 Movie Review Comments
Categories 3.75 stars, Crime, Drama, Romance, Thriller
Wild Target
They said 'Take her out'. He got the wrong idea.
Victor Maynard is a middle-aged, solitary assassin, who lives to please his formidable mother, despite his own peerless reputation for lethal efficiency. His professional routine is interrupted when he finds himself drawn to one of his intended victims, Rose. He spares her life, unexpectedly acquiring in the process a young apprentice, Tony. Believing Victor to be a private detective, his two new companions tag along, while he attempts to thwart the murderous attentions of his unhappy client. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Bill Nighy, Emily Blunt, Rupert Grint
Released: 2010

The reason why I put this movie on my Netflix list was because Rupert Grint was in it. I am a Harry Potter fan and I think he is a good actor. I love his humor. So this movie.. It was pretty good. It did have some sexual comments in it that I didn't like and we did fast forward through a scene in the movie. It didn't show anything but it was inappropriate. I laughed a lot at Rupert Grint, especially when he kept shooting this guy and apologizing for it. He shot his ear off and it was rather funny. It had some dry humor in it and it also had some British humor in it that I didn't understand. If I was British maybe it would've been funnier. I couldn't believe that she fell in love with the guy because he was not attractive. Overall though, it was entertaining.
Reviewed by Megan at 7:45 PM 1 Movie Review Comments
Categories 3.25 stars, Action, Comedy, Crime, Drama
You Again
What doesn't kill you... is going to marry your brother.
As a teenager Marni was the kind of girl no guy would go near and would be tormented by the mean girls, and no one was meaner to her than Joana the head cheerleader. Years later, she's a successful woman with a good job. When she goes home for her brother's wedding she discovers that her brother is marrying Joana. When they meet she wants Joana to apologize for the way she treated her but Joana feigns ignorance. When Marni tells her mother, Gail about her and Joana, Gail tells her to try and put it behind her. But when Gail learns that her aunt Mona is her old friend Ramona who was her friend in high school whom she had confrontation with years ago, Gail feels like Mona is trying to thumb her success in her nose. When Marni learns that Joana does remember her she sets to expose her to her brother. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Kristen Bell, Jaime Lee Curtis, Sigourney Weaver, Odette Annable, Betty White
Released: 2010

Fun, funny, entertaining movie! It was a predictable movie yet I liked it. I appreciated how it was only PG and it didn't have tons of sex comments in it, which it could have because it was a comedy/romance movie. I love Kristen Bell! I think she is pretty funny and whenever she comes out in a movie I want to see it. This movie was kind of cheesy at some parts but then again it was pretty funny. I can't say it is something that I want as part of my DVD collection, but it is a fun movie to rent if you don't know what else to watch. Some of the acting was not good, such as her older brother in the movie. One thing I didn't understand was at the very end when the girl got exposed about being a bully/brat to Marni (played by Kristen Bell), Marni got in trouble because she ruined the wedding. Hello?!!!! If I found out someone was rude to my child, my child would come first. But it was fun and I liked it overall.
Opinions please.
Reviewed by Megan at 10:55 PM 1 Movie Review Comments
Categories 3.75 stars, Comedy, Romance
Did You Hear About the Morgans?
2 3/4 stars
We're not in Manhattan anymore.
Meryl and Paul Morgan have separated since his infidelity. He's a Manhattan lawyer, seeking forgiveness. She's moved on, focusing on real estate sales. As he walks her to an appointment one evening, pleading his case, they witness a murder; the murderer sees them. The FBI wants them in witness protection until the killer is caught. He's already hunting them. The FBI sends them to Ray, Wyoming, a tiny ranch town, where they stay with the aging sheriff and his gun-toting wife (who's his deputy). Meryl and Paul must sort out their relationship while their New York ways bump up against those of the West. Meantime, Meryl knows two things that Paul doesn't. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Hugh Grant, Sarah Jessica Parker
Released: 2009

Megan's Movie Review:
Boring. This movie for the most part was boring. During the middle of the movie it did have some funny parts, such as the bear part, but overall I was bored. I thought it would be funnier than what it was. I think part of the reason I wasn't really interested in it too was I don't like Sarah Jessica Parker. Her voice bothers me, I don't think she is very pretty (I know that's mean), and she just bugs me. I like Hugh Grant though. I like his dry humor. It's catchy and funny. When the preview did come out for this I thought it seemed rather funny but it's really not. Lame. I know. Pretty poor acting too in this movie. I don't think it is worth seeing. Also, in the end when you find out that she cheated on him while they were separated and he was all upset about it, well.. he cheated on her in the first place. Not that I am saying what either of them did was right because it's not but, now he knows how she felt.
Did you hear about this movie?..
Reviewed by Megan at 10:55 PM 1 Movie Review Comments
Categories 2.75 stars, Comedy, Drama, Romance
Life As We Know It
4 stars
A comedy about taking it one step at a time.
Holly and Eric were set up on a blind date by their friends, Peter and Allison who are married. After Peter and Allison are killed in an accident, they learn that they have been named as the guardians to Peter and Allison's daughter, Sophie. So they move into their house and try their best to honor their friends' wishes. But raising a child puts a crimp on their style and they don't exactly get along. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Katherine Heigl, Josh Duhamel
Released: 2010

Well.. this movie was actually quite sad. It depressed me in the very beginning because of the couple dying and leaving their child to these two people. I don't know if it is because I am a mother now, but I just couldn't stop thinking about the child and how she would grow up not knowing her parents. It made me cry! I thought this movie was more sad then funny. Yes, there were some pretty funny parts in the movie but it was sad. I did like this movie and I think because it was rather emotional for me. The story was interesting and the ending was great. I loved it! One thing I didn't like was how you know that this guy had been sleeping around with tons of girls. It reminded me of Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, which I really hated that movie. But the neighbors in this movie were pretty hilarious and how they were all obsessed with him. It was funny watching him trying to learn how to take care of baby. Good, sad movie.
Reviewed by Megan at 7:12 PM 0 Movie Review Comments
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
4 1/2 stars
Take the voyage. Live the adventure. Discover Narnia like you've never seen it.
Lucy and Edmund Pevensie return to Narnia with their cousin Eustace where they meet up with Prince Caspian for a trip across the sea aboard the royal ship The Dawn Treader. Along the way they encounter dragons, dwarves, merfolk, and a band of lost warriors before reaching the edge of the world. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Georgie Henley, Skandar Keynes, Ben Barnes, Will Poulter
Released: 2010
Megan's Movie Review:

I really liked this movie a lot! It is a great movie for children and it has lots of imagination. The book was a fun book to read and I was really excited when this was going to come out. Like I said, it has a lot of imagination and it seems very different from the other movies. My husband doesn't like the other Chronicles of Narnia because he said they just stand around and talk/argue too much. But this one he actually liked because he said they were actually doing something, and there were so many fun things going on. The only thing I don't like about the movie is Lucy... The actress Georgie Henley just bothers me. I don't think she is a great actress. She was cute in the first movie and I know you that you should stick with the same actress throughout the movies but I really don't like her. And Susan too. Anyways, I really liked Will Poulter in this movie as Eustace. I think he played a great Eustace because in the book he is supposed to be truly annoying. He played his part well and I loved it. The end of the movie is one of my favorite parts. I love the Christian symbolism it has in this and in all the books & movies. It's fantastic and I would totally recommend this to families.
What do you think?
5 stars
They're taking adventure to new lengths.
After receiving the healing powers from a magical flower, the baby Princess Rapunzel is kidnapped from the palace in the middle of the night by Mother Gothel. Mother Gothel knows that the flower's magical powers are now growing within the golden hair of Rapunzel, and to stay young, she must lock Rapunzel in her hidden tower. Rapunzel is now a teenager and her hair has grown to a length of 70-feet. The beautiful Rapunzel has been in the tower her entire life, and she is curious of the outside world. One day, the bandit Flynn Ryder scales the tower and is taken captive by Rapunzel. Rapunzel strikes a deal with the charming thief to act as her guide to travel to the place where the floating lights come from that she has seen every year on her birthday. Rapunzel is about to have the most exciting and magnificent journey of her life. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi
Released: 2010

OH my! I LOVED THIS MOVIE! This is totally a classic Disney movie but all animated instead of a cartoon. Ya know what I mean? Anyways, this movie was fabulous! I felt like a little girl again haha! I can't believe it's taken me this long to see it. It was funny, the romance was great, the storyline was awesome. The ending perfect. I loved the lantern thing. I just thought that was so cute! Rapunzel was beautiful and Flynn was handsome. lol My favorite character was the chameleon. He was adorable and I want one for myself! This movie is great for children, especially little girls and it's even funny for adults. The horse character was hilarious too. He was so funny acting all tough and cool. After I watched this movie I wanted to watch it again. It really was just your typical Disney Princess movie. But up to date and better!
5 stars right??!
Reviewed by Megan at 10:49 PM 2 Movie Review Comments
Categories 5 stars, Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Musical, Personal Favorites, Romance
It's Kind of a Funny Story
3 1/2 stars
Sometimes what's in your head isn't as crazy as you think.
Craig is a high-school junior, in the gifted program, infatuated with his best friend's girl. When he realizes he's suicidal, he checks himself into the psychiatric ward of a hospital, thinking they'll do an observation, help him, and send him home in time for school the next day. Once in, however, he must stay for a week; the juvenile ward is being renovated, so he's in with adults as well as a few youths. Bobby, a man with a young daughter, shows him around; Craig notices Noelle, about his age. He tries to keep his friends from finding out where he is. Little things: he draws, goes to therapy, sings, helps Bobby rehearse an interview. Is this the stuff of insight? (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Keir Gilchrist, Zach Galifianakis, Emma Roberts
Released: 2010

Well.. I had never seen or heard of this movie but my husband put in on our Netflix list. It had a kind of a sweet, interesting story. It had my attention from the beginning. I didn't appreciate the sex content in this though. For reals, he is like 16 years old.. I just think it's stupid. But other than that, I liked the story. He just learns a lot about life within a few days of being in the hospital. It did have some funny things in it too. The boy had a kind of weird/interesting imagination. Yet it was funny (sometimes). But I just really liked the ending. It was great and I didn't think that Keir Gilchrist was too bad of an actor either.
Reviewed by Megan at 10:49 PM 0 Movie Review Comments
1 star
If someone took the one you love... How far would you go to get him back?
Mary Walsh delivers boyfriend Kevin to a hospital for routine outpatient surgery. But when Mary returns to take him home, he's mysteriously vanished. An administrator can find no record of him, and a police search turns up nothing. Increasingly frantic, Mary's taken to staff psychiatrist Dr. Bensley, who pronounces her unstable. Now she must not only find her missing boyfriend, but prove her own sanity as well. When a stranger informs her he knows Kevin's whereabouts and demands a $10 billion ransom, she has one hour to comply... and her boyfriend's life hangs in the balance. Forced to embezzle the money from the bank where she works, Mary soon discovers the shocking truth behind the disappearance. Now time is running out and she must take matters into her own hands to save herself. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Brittany Murphy, Dean Cain
Released: 2010

Megan's Movie Review:
This movie was absolutely horrible. I mean, I don't even know if that is even the right word. It sucked. I feel so bad because I don't know if this was her last movie that she filmed, but I'm sure it was one of the last ones, and it was terrible. Her hair in the movie looked awful! I don't know who their dresser was but whoever it was sucked. Brittany Murphy looked like her hair was constantly wet and gelled down. She needed highlights. Then her make-up artist sucked as well. They made her look like a clown. Her lipstick was like off of her lips. Anyways, her acting was probably the best compared to everyone else's but it was still not great. Dean Cain.. didn't he used to be Superman? What the heck happened? I could've been a better actor than him. This movie had the stupidest lines. It was just terrible. My husband and I just kept making fun of it and couldn't believe that we actually were watching this movie. I feel bad that this was one of Brittany Murphy's last movies.
I will be shocked if you liked it..
Can you dig it?
"But if you forget to come back for Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity." Those were the exact words spoken to young Elya Yelnats the day he forgot to repay the gypsy Madame Zeroni. From then on his family was cursed with bad luck. One hundred years later Stanley Yelnats IV is accused of stealing a pair of cleats from a major league baseball player and sent to Camp Green Lake (a dry lake bed in the middle of the desert). It never rains at Camp Green Lake, it hasn't for one hundred years. The secretive and mysterious Warden has each inmate spend every day digging one hole to "build character." But when an artifact from the famous "Kissin' Kate" Barlow is found in a hole, the Warden forces the boys to work double time leading Stanley to deduce they're digging because the Warden is looking for something. But what? And how is the mystery of Camp Green Lake connected to Stanley's family curse? (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Shia LaBeouf, Sigourney Weaver, Jon Voight
Released: 2003

Reviewed by Megan at 12:17 PM 2 Movie Review Comments
Categories 4.5 stars, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Family, Mystery, Personal Favorites, Romance
Battle: Los Angeles
A Marine Staff Sergeant who has just had his retirement approved goes back into the line of duty in order to assist a 2nd Lieutenant and his platoon as they fight to reclaim the city of Los Angeles from alien invaders. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Aaron Eckhart
Released: 2011

I heard a few different things from people about this movie and it was mainly that everyone didn't like this movie. They said that there wasn't enough alien in the movie. Really? How much more freaking alien did you want?! I went into this movie expecting to not ever see the alien. But maybe it's because I saw skyline and you don't see the alien very much in that movie and then watching this movie you see them all the time. And by the way, this movie was cool! Super action packed alien war movie. Tons of fighting and the fighting scenes were good too! I really, really liked this movie. I don't know how people didn't like it or said that there wasn't enough "alien" in the movie. I also liked how this movie ended. Yes, they didn't save the world, they just saved their city, but at least it showed you how they would be able to save the world. I also liked how the aliens didn't die because of the oxygen like War of the Worlds. They actually had to kill the aliens. It makes it a challenge and they won! Well..they won Los Angeles. If you like aliens and if you like action packed movies, you most likely will like this.
Alien fans?
4 1/2 stars
His daughter was taken. He has 96 hours to get her back.
Seventeen year-old Kim is the pride and joy of her father Bryan Mills. Bryan is a retired agent who left the Central Intelligence Agency to be near Kim in California. Kim lives with her mother Lenore and her wealthy stepfather Stuart. Kim manages to convince her reluctant father to allow her to travel to Paris with her friend Amanda. When the girls arrive in Paris they share a cab with a stranger named Peter, and Amanda lets it slip that they are alone in Paris. Using this information an Albanian gang of human traffickers kidnaps the girls. Kim barely has time to call her father and give him information. Her father gets to speak briefly to one of the kidnappers and he promises to kill the kidnappers if they do not let his daughter go free. The kidnapper wishes him "good luck," so Bryan Mills travels to Paris to search for his daughter and her friend. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Liam Neeson
Released: 2008

Wow. This movie was pretty awesome! It is super intense and full of action. I loved Liam Neeson in this movie. He was phenomenal. Very cool! His fighting scenes were awesome, like Bourne Identity awesome. I loved how he was so determined to find his daughter. One thing I didn't like about this movie was how you see all the women being sexually abused. Well you don't actually see it, but you know what was happening to them. It bothered me because I hate to see that. You know it really does happen in this world and it makes me sick. I wish at the end of this movie he would have somehow saved all those other women from the torture they were in. But since the government knew about it and didn't care, I'm pretty sure he probably couldn't have done too much. And another thing that bothered me was how Maggie Grace (she plays the daughter) over acted all her parts. She always had to be running somewhere like she was 5 years old. It drove me crazy. But I loved this movie and how he was so smart and could just do anything.
You have to like this movie...
Surf's Up
4 1/2 stars
Birds Fly...Penguins Soar!
This story follows a teenage rock hopper penguin named Cody Maverick from his hometown of Shiverpool, Antarctica, where all of the other penguins think he's nothing but a surfing fool, to the "Big Z Memorial Surf Off" on Pen Gu Island. Young Cody is determined to win the most important competition in the world of penguin surfing in honor of "Big Z," a deceased surfing legend whom he has idolized since childhood. But the waves in Pen Gu are different than in Shiverpool, and the competition is steep. The current champ, egotistical Tank Evans, isn't just about to let this little penguin knock him from first place without a fight. When Cody wipes out and encounters Geek, a recluse aging former surfer, living in the jungle, he learns some important lessons about life and surfing, and even teaches Geek a thing or two. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Shia LaBeouf, Jeff Bridges, Zooey Deschanel, Jon Heder, Diedrich Bader

Okay, so we bought this movie when it came out on dvd a while ago and watched it and all I can remember is that I didn't like it. I must have been in a bad mood or something, because we just watched it again last night and I absolutely LOVED it!! Shia LaBeouf is soo funny in this and I didn't realized how many big actors there were in this movie. There were so many funny parts in this movie and if you listen to everything, it really is quite a hoot. Some of the sayings I liked were "Pecker face?..." or "He's a dirty trash can filled with poo." I can't believe that I didn't enjoy it the first time. Great movie, loved it! I'm so glad that we have it haha and I think this will be a good movie for our kids. It's a good story about how to never give up and to follow your dreams. Have confidence in yourself!
You should see this if you haven't yet.
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
5 stars
The eye of the enemy is moving.
While Frodo & Sam continue to approach Mount Doom to destroy the One Ring, unaware of the path Gollum is leading them, the former Fellowship aid Rohan & Gondor in a great battle in the Pelennor Fields, Minas Tirith and the Black Gates as Sauron wages his last war against Middle-Earth. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Orlando Bloom, Ian McKellen, Viggo Mortensen, John Rhys-Davies, Dominic Monaghan, Billy Boyd
Released: 2003

I forgot how much I loved the last movie. The ending was great, it seems cheesy but its really the perfect ending. The big battle/war scene is awesome! Legolas is so cool for bringing down that giant elephant. It was longer than I remember and I didn't even watch the director's cut. Has anyone seen those ones? Well its a great movie even if it is the theatrical version. Love these movies, can't say it enough. I don't care how long they are, they are fantastic movies. Someday I will read the books.
How'd you like this one? If you've read the book, how is it compared to the movie?
4 stars
It's Not Like They Didn't Warn Us.
Starring: Mel Gibson, Joaquin Phoenix
Released: 2002

Good movie! It does seem to be a little slow in the beginning but it's good if you just sit and watch it. It gets intense at parts and the whole time you are on the edge of your seat just waiting for an alien to pop out. Mel Gibson was a good actor for this part. The boy kind of bothered me in this movie. But I really liked the little girl and of course the uncle. He was awesome, and hilarious. You appreciate comedy in movies like this to ease the tension. I always love how the director somehow pops up into his movies. M. Night Shyamalan is such a creative director and I truly appreciate his work. If you want an intense, alien movie, here you go. It's not what you think either. I love the ending, it's great!
What do you think of Signs?
Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers
5 stars
The fellowship is broken. The power of darkness grows...
Sauron's forces increase. His allies grow. The Ringwraiths return in an even more frightening form. Saruman's army of Uruk Hai is ready to launch an assault against Aragorn and the people of Rohan. Yet, the Fellowship is broken and Boromir is dead. For the little hope that is left, Frodo and Sam march on into Mordor, unprotected. A number of new allies join with Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Pippin and Merry. And they must defend Rohan and attack Isengard. Yet, while all this is going on, Sauron's troops mass toward the City of Gondor, for the War of the Ring is about to begin. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Orlando Bloom, Ian McKellen, Viggo Mortensen, John Rhys-Davies, Dominic Monaghan, Billy Boyd
Released: 2002

Again, I love these movies! The battle scenes are awesome in this movie, especially at the end. I also appreciate how they add in some 'comical relief'. The elf and the dwarf always competing is quite hilarious. Graphics are great in this movie. This story is awesome. You feel bad for Aragorn because he left his beloved elf but don't worry.. Everything's going to be okay. Gollum is quite an ugly creature though. He scares me and is very creepy. You do pity him in the middle of the movie, but then by the end, you just know that the evil can't be taken out of him. I was also happy when Gandalf came back into the story. He is such a great character and actor that it wouldn't be the same without him.
Opinions please?...
Reviewed by Megan at 10:22 AM 0 Movie Review Comments
Categories 5 stars, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Personal Favorites
Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
5 stars
Power can be held in the smallest of things...
An ancient Ring thought lost for centuries has been found, and through a strange twist in fate has been given to a small Hobbit named Frodo. When Gandalf discovers the Ring is in fact the One Ring of the Dark Lord Sauron, Frodo must make an epic quest to the Cracks of Doom in order to destroy it! However he does not go alone. He is joined by Gandalf, Legolas the elf, Gimli the Dwarf, Aragorn, Boromir and his three Hobbit friends Merry, Pippin and Samwise. Through mountains, snow, darkness, forests, rivers and plains, facing evil and danger at every corner the Fellowship of the Ring must go. Their quest to destroy the One Ring is the only hope for the end of the Dark Lords reign! (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Orlando Bloom, Ian McKellen, Viggo Mortensen, John Rhys-Davies, Dominic Monaghan, Billy Boyd
Released: 2010

I looooove these movies! I know they can be kind of weird with all the fantasy creatures in them, but I thought the director, Peter Jackson, did a fantastic job on these movies. I have never read the books, although I did start the first one and there is quite a few things that are different, but the storyline is basically the same. These books are so detailed it would be too hard to include everything into the movie. The graphics were fantastic on these movies! One of the greatest things about these movies are their battle scenes. They aren't short either. But they aren't too long to where I'm wondering when they will end. This movie keeps me interested the whole time. Good vs. Evil. I love Sam! He is my favorite hobbit and the most kind too. These movies were just very impressive and I loved all the characters!
Lord of the Rings lovers?
Reviewed by Megan at 10:22 AM 0 Movie Review Comments
Categories 5 stars, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Personal Favorites
Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole
3 3/4 stars
On his way to finding a legend...he will become one.
Soren, a young barn owl, is kidnapped by owls of St. Aggie's, ostensibly an orphanage, where owlets are brainwashed into becoming soldiers. He and his new friends escape to the island of Ga'Hoole, to assist its noble, wise owls who fight the army being created by the wicked rulers of St. Aggie's. The film is based on the first three books in the series. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Jim Sturgess
Released: 2010

Well this movie wasn't what I expected. I thought from the previews that you would be able to tell what happens in the movie, and I was wrong. I thought, this little owl has these heroes that he admires, and he would eventually find them and they would be evil and ruin his whole perspective on them. That's not the case. It is such a cute story and I really liked it and want it for my children to watch. The story was great and it had a little twist that I didn't expect. The owls were so cute I wanted them for myself. This story was good for children because it taught them to have dreams and to not doubt yourself. It also teaches them to love their family no matter what and to fight for your family. I really liked it, good movie! I know this is based on a series of three books, hopefully they will make the other two. But I don't know if it did well enough for them to make the other ones.
And what do you think? :)
Reviewed by Megan at 11:45 AM 0 Movie Review Comments
Categories 3.75 stars, Adventure, Animation, Fantasy
The Social Network
3 3/4 stars
You don't get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies.
On a fall night in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg sits down at his computer and heatedly begins working on a new idea. In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication. A mere six years and 500 million friends later, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in history... but for this entrepreneur, success leads to both personal and legal complications. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Jessie Eisenberg
Released: 2010

This movie was not what I expected it would be. I will be honest, I did not want to see this movie at all and my husband wanted to see it so bad! I had heard it was good but I had no desire to see it because why do I care how Facebook came about? Well ... like I said it wasn't what I expected and it wasn't like my husband expected. I thought it was actually pretty good and my husband didn't think it was as good as he had expected. Okay, this movie was not an amazing movie, have to have on my shelf, kind of movie. It was just interesting. The story kept my attention and I was intrigued by how Facebook did come about. Now I know movies sometimes portray the real people incorrectly, but in the movie, Mark Zuckerberg seemed kind of like a punk. He somewhat stole the idea from these guys, but then I'm on Mark's side because he knew how to code it and did it all by himself. But how he betrayed his best friend in the end.. so messed up! I felt awful for Eduardo. He was so smart it was crazy and I did feel bad for him in the end, because it seemed like even though he created this website where you could make all these friends, he seemed to have messed up all his own friend relationships leaving him with nobody. They could've taken out the sexual scenes in the movie. It was stupid to have them in the movie and I really didn't like those parts at all. Why are they even in movies? They are pointless and freakin stupid. Anyways.. that's all I have to say about that. But this movie was very interesting and I was glad that I watched it even though I didn't want to in the first place.
Facebook people, what did you think about this movie?!!
Reviewed by Megan at 11:44 AM 0 Movie Review Comments
Categories 3.75 stars, Biography, Drama, History
The Last Airbender
3 1/4 stars
Four nations, one destiny.
The world is divided into four kingdoms, each represented by the element they harness, and peace has lasted throughout the realms of Water, Air, Earth, and Fire under the supervision of the Avatar, a link to the spirit world and the only being capable of mastering the use of all four elements. When young Avatar Aang disappears, the Fire Nation launches an attack to eradicate all members of the Air Nomads to prevent interference in their future plans for world domination. 100 years pass and current Fire Lord Ozai continues to conquer and imprison anyone with elemental "bending" abilities in the Earth and Water Kingdoms, while siblings Katara and Sokka from a Southern Water Tribe find a mysterious boy trapped beneath the ice outside their village. Upon rescuing him, he reveals himself to be Aang, Avatar and last of the Air Nomads. Swearing to protect the Avatar, Katara and Sokka journey with him to the Northern Water Kingdom in his quest to master "Waterbending" and eventually fulfill his destiny of once again restoring peace to the world. But as they inch nearer to their goal, the group must evade Prince Zuko, the exiled son of Lord Ozai, Commander Zhao, the Fire Nation's military leader, and the tyrannical onslaught of the evil Fire Lord himself. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Noah Ringer, Jackson Rathbone, Nicola Peltz
Released: 2010

Well, this movie was better than average, but only slightly. It was really more of childrens movie for like ages 6-12. The storyline was interesting but it didn't end to great. They left it open for sequel but I don't think this movie did well enough for a sequel to be made. Maybe it will, I don't know. Also, this was not M. Night Shyamalan's kind of movie. The acting wasn't that great either and it was weird to see Jackson Rathbone in this movie because he plays Jasper in the Twilight series. The girl actress bothered me. She was not a very good actress. But I did like the story, it was interesting and kind of cool.
M. Night Shyamalan fans, tell me what you think of this movie?
Reviewed by Megan at 2:35 PM 1 Movie Review Comments
Categories 3.25 stars, Action, Adventure, Family, Fantasy
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
3 1/2 stars
As the global economy teeters on the brink of disaster, a young Wall Street trader partners with disgraced former Wall Street corporate raider Gordon Gekko on a two-tiered mission: To alert the financial co

Starring: Shia LaBeouf, Michael Douglas
Released: 2010
Megan's Movie Review: I think I might have liked this movie a little bit more if I understood stocks better. I got the jist of the story but it was kind of hard to follow. I did like how it ended except for one part. *Spoiler* I didn't like how she forgave her dad. I mean.. you should always forgive everyone right but her dad stole millions of dollars from her!! I couldn't believe it. I was grateful that Jake (Shia LaBeouf) didn't cheat on her in the movie. For some reason, if the movie needs to get more dramatic they always have someone cheating on someone. But it was interesting and still a pretty good movie, just a little hard to follow unless you understand stocks.
Did anyone ever see the first one?
Reviewed by Megan at 2:40 PM 0 Movie Review Comments
The Young Victoria
4 stars
Love rules all.
Dominated by her possessive mother and her bullying consort,Conroy, since childhood, teen-aged Victoria refuses to allow them the power of acting as her regent in the last days of her uncle, William IV's rule. Her German cousin Albert is encouraged to court her for solely political motives but, following her accession at age eighteen, finds he is falling for her and is dismayed at her reliance on trusty premier Melbourne. Victoria is impressed by Albert's philanthropy which is akin to her own desire to help her subjects. However her loyalty to Melbourne, perceived as a self-seeker, almost causes a constitutional crisis and it is Albert who helps restore her self-confidence.She proposes and they marry, Albert proving himself not only a devoted spouse,prepared to take an assassin's bullet for her, but an agent of much-needed reform, finally endorsed by an admiring Melbourne. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Emily Blunt
Released: 2009
Megan's Movie Review: I absolutely loved this movie! I wasn't quite sure how this movie would be because most of the time, these movies are always kind of boring. Especially when they are British movies, they make them super boring. But I love stories of princesses and how they don't let anyone push them around when they become queen. It's very inspiring. Well this movie was great! She didn't take crap from no one and I truly admired her and how she was strong. I also loved the romance part of the movie. The guy she marries was so sweet and kind and aww.. it was just precious. Good movie, I want it.
Grown Ups
3 1/4 stars
Some guys need a little extra time to mature.
In 1978, five 12-year-olds win a CYO basketball championship. Thirty years later, they gather with their families for their coach's funeral and a weekend at a house on a lake where they used to party. By now, each is a grownup with problems and challenges: Marcus is alone and drinks too much. Rob, with three daughters he rarely sees, is always deeply in love until he turns on his next ex-wife. Eric is overweight and out of work. Kurt is a househusband, henpecked by wife and mother-in-law. Lenny is a successful Hollywood agent married to a fashion designer; their kids take privilege for granted. Can the outdoors help these grownups rediscover connections or is this chaos in the making? (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock, David Spade, Rob Schneider, Salma Hayek
Released: 2010

Megan's Movie Review:
Well, this movie wasn't fabulous but it wasn't that terrible either. It did have some funny parts but I didn't appreciate all the sexual comments. Or, as my sister would say it, all the 'boobage'. Too much. It was a typical Adam Sandler movie to me. I really like Kevin James, I think he is hilarious. That's all I have to say about that movie. It was alright but better than average.
What do you grown-ups think?
Reviewed by Megan at 2:39 PM 0 Movie Review Comments
Categories 3.25 stars, Comedy
The Karate Kid
3 1/2 stars
A Challenge He Never Imagined. A Teacher He Never Expected.
12-year-old Dre Parker could've been the most popular kid in Detroit, but his mother's latest career move has landed him in China. Dre immediately falls for his classmate Mei Ying - and the feeling is mutual - but cultural differences make such a friendship impossible. Even worse, Dre's feelings make an enemy of the class bully, Cheng. In the land of kung fu, Dre knows only a little karate, and Cheng puts "the karate kid" on the floor with ease. With no friends in a strange land, Dre has nowhere to turn but maintenance man Mr. Han, who is secretly a master of kung fu. As Han teaches Dre that kung fu is not about punches and parries, but maturity and calm, Dre realizes that facing down the bullies will be the fight of his life. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Jaden Smith, Jackie Chan
Released: 2010

Well, I didn't want to see this movie in the first place but it ended up being better than I had thought it would. Jaden Smith is a cute kid and if you didn't know it is Will Smith's son. Jackie Chan is awesome as always. I love how he does all his own stunts. I find that pretty awesome. Yes, this movie was kind of childish in some parts or it just seemed for a younger age, but it was cute, and it had a good story to it, and it teaches kids good things.
What do you think?
Secret Window
3 3/4 stars
Some windows should never be opened.
Famed mystery writer, Mort Rainey (Depp) is confronted by a mysterious stranger outside his house. This stranger calls himself John Shooter (Turturro) and claims that Mort has stolen an idea for a story from him. Mort says he can prove he wrote his first, but whilst Mort waits for the evidence to appear, Shooter starts to become more and more violent. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Johnny Depp
Released: 2004
Megan's Movie Review:
I also really liked this movie a lot. It was a good thriller! Johnny Depp is great and I loved the twist in this movie. *Spoiler* I never expected him to be crazy and insane. And it is totally gross how he ate the corn after he buried them outside in his 'secret garden' through the 'secret window'. But apparently, I have never read the book, but I was told by my mother who has read the book, that in the end he actually gets caught in the end and his ex-wife doesn't die. What I find interesting is this movie was about 'changing the ending' of the book, so they changed the ending of the movie. Cool huh? I like, this movie, and maybe I'm crazy too but it's good.
Any of you crazies like me?
Reviewed by Scottie and Megany at 8:04 AM 0 Movie Review Comments
Categories 3.75 stars, Mystery, Personal Favorites, Thriller
Red Eye
4 stars
Fear Takes Flight.
This is the story of a young resourceful heroine woman named Lisa Reisert who hates to fly, but the terror that awaits her on the night flight to Miami has nothing to do with a fear of flying! Upon boarding the plane, Lisa is trapped on a red-eye flight with a creepy villainous handsome and charming man by the name of Jackson Rippner, who's playing middle-man in the plot to assassinate a Homeland Security official. He's got her father pinned down by a would-be killer, using that advantage to coerce Lisa into phoning the luxury resort where she works and arranging to move the target into a pre-set position. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Rachel McAdams, Cillian Murphy
Released: 2005

This movie was a great thriller! It was like an hour and a half long but it does start pretty quick. Cillian Murphy is just plain creepy. I think it is his eyes that really do it. But I liked this movie and one of the scariest/grossest parts was when she stabs him with the pen. Ugh! I couldn't believe it! And when they are at her house and she's hiding from him.. so intense and awesome! Love it, this is one of my personal favorites, even though it is a shorter movie than usual.
Talk to me..
Reviewed by Scottie and Megany at 8:03 AM 0 Movie Review Comments
Categories 4 stars, Personal Favorites, Thriller
Remember Me
Reviewed by Scottie and Megany at 5:55 PM 0 Movie Review Comments
Categories 3.75 stars, Drama, Romance
The Ghost Writer
Has anyone seen this?
Reviewed by Scottie and Megany at 5:36 PM 0 Movie Review Comments
Funny movie! Bruce Willis was great in this movie - as always! He is a good actor and he does great action films. John Malkovich was super hilarious in this film too. I loved his crazy character and it made the film all the more enjoyable. This was a great action film and it had a good story to it. I want it definitely.
What do you think?