4 stars
Fear Takes Flight.
4 stars
Fear Takes Flight.
This is the story of a young resourceful heroine woman named Lisa Reisert who hates to fly, but the terror that awaits her on the night flight to Miami has nothing to do with a fear of flying! Upon boarding the plane, Lisa is trapped on a red-eye flight with a creepy villainous handsome and charming man by the name of Jackson Rippner, who's playing middle-man in the plot to assassinate a Homeland Security official. He's got her father pinned down by a would-be killer, using that advantage to coerce Lisa into phoning the luxury resort where she works and arranging to move the target into a pre-set position. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Rachel McAdams, Cillian Murphy
Released: 2005

This movie was a great thriller! It was like an hour and a half long but it does start pretty quick. Cillian Murphy is just plain creepy. I think it is his eyes that really do it. But I liked this movie and one of the scariest/grossest parts was when she stabs him with the pen. Ugh! I couldn't believe it! And when they are at her house and she's hiding from him.. so intense and awesome! Love it, this is one of my personal favorites, even though it is a shorter movie than usual.
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