4 stars
It's Not Like They Didn't Warn Us.
4 stars
It's Not Like They Didn't Warn Us.
In Bucks County, Pennsylvania, a five-hundred-foot crop circle is found on the farm of Graham Hess, the town's reverend. The circles cause a media frenzy and test Hess's faith as he journeys to find out the truth behind the crop circles. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Mel Gibson, Joaquin Phoenix
Released: 2002
Megan's Movie Review:
Good movie! It does seem to be a little slow in the beginning but it's good if you just sit and watch it. It gets intense at parts and the whole time you are on the edge of your seat just waiting for an alien to pop out. Mel Gibson was a good actor for this part. The boy kind of bothered me in this movie. But I really liked the little girl and of course the uncle. He was awesome, and hilarious. You appreciate comedy in movies like this to ease the tension. I always love how the director somehow pops up into his movies. M. Night Shyamalan is such a creative director and I truly appreciate his work. If you want an intense, alien movie, here you go. It's not what you think either. I love the ending, it's great!
What do you think of Signs?
Starring: Mel Gibson, Joaquin Phoenix
Released: 2002

Good movie! It does seem to be a little slow in the beginning but it's good if you just sit and watch it. It gets intense at parts and the whole time you are on the edge of your seat just waiting for an alien to pop out. Mel Gibson was a good actor for this part. The boy kind of bothered me in this movie. But I really liked the little girl and of course the uncle. He was awesome, and hilarious. You appreciate comedy in movies like this to ease the tension. I always love how the director somehow pops up into his movies. M. Night Shyamalan is such a creative director and I truly appreciate his work. If you want an intense, alien movie, here you go. It's not what you think either. I love the ending, it's great!
What do you think of Signs?
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