This movie is based upon the 1980 film which follows NYC talent attending the New York City High School for the Performing Arts, (Known today as Fiorello H. Laguardia H.S.) students get specialized training that often leads to success as actors, singers, etc. In 1936, New York City Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia founded the High School of Music & Art in order to provide a facility where the most gifted and talented public school students of New York City could pursue their talents in art or music, while also completing a full academic program of instruction. In 1948, the School of Performing Arts was created to provide training in performance skills to students who wished to prepare for professional careers in dance, music or drama. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Kay Panabaker, Walter Perez, Naturi Naughton, Asher Book
Megan's Movie Review:
I did learn something as I went and found the plot summary on, that it was a re-make of the 1980 musical film. I wonder if it was better? This movie was... pointless? Is that the right word? My husband and I were watching this and halfway through the movie we still didn't know what the point of the story was. Then it ended and it still had no point to the story. I guess the moral is to never give up. We figured that this movie was just to watch these kids attend this performing arts school and all their experiences in and outside of school. But it still didn't have a point to it. It was like everyday life. I don't know, you would have to watch it to see what I'm talking about. You might disagree though. I thought the movie Step Up was WAY better.
2 stars
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