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City of Ember

When mankind is about to come to an end, a group of scientists decide to create and populate a city deep underground. The city of Ember is to last for 200 years after which its inhabitants are to retrieve from a strong box instructions to return to the surface. Over time however, the message is lost and life in Ember is rapidly deteriorating. Their power supply is failing and food is being rationed. It's left to two young adults to unearth the secret of Ember and to lead the way out. (Source: IMDB)

Starring: Bill Murray, Harry Treadaway, Saoirse Ronan

Megan's Movie Review:
I wonder how the book is. Has anyone read it? I know my sister did and she recommended me to watch this movie because she loved the book and the movie! Then again, she was 13 years old at the time. I wasn't too partial to it. I mean, the story line is pretty creative. I guess the acting was not the best. I can see children enjoying this movie. It's a good family film, but it wasn't in my taste of movies. Sometimes though, I look back on it and think, "Well..maybe I did like it more than I thought." I'd probably have to watch it again.

My rating:
2 1/2 stars (it might be 3 stars depending on the day)
Your thoughts on the movie or book?

1 Movie Review Comments:

movie collections said...

It's a nice, safe family film, I think a lot of kids will be bored by the time anything happens, and adults will be so-so on it.