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Tron Legacy

4 1/4 stars

The Game Has Changed.

Sam Flynn, the tech-savvy 27-year-old son of Kevin Flynn, looks into his father's disappearance and finds himself pulled into the same world of fierce programs and gladiatorial games where his father has been living for 20 years. Along with Kevin's loyal confidant, father and son embark on a life-and-death journey across a visually-stunning cyber universe that has become far more advanced and exceedingly dangerous. (Source: IMDB)

Starring: Jeff Bridges, Garrett Hedlund, Olivia Wilde
Released: 2010

Megan's Movie Review: This was a good movie and I really liked watching it. We saw it in 3-D and I wouldn't recommend it. Most of the movie wasn't in 3-D and even when it was, I wasn't impressed. I did love the racing scenes in this movie. I wished there were more because I felt that was the coolest part of the whole movie. This new actor, Garrett Hedlund, was actually pretty good. I liked him in this. It was kind of weird to see Jeff Bridges all computerized but it was only because they had to make him look younger. The machines in this movie were awesome and so neat looking. I liked how when they would race or drive they had a "line" follow them. I don't know what they are called (can't remember). Good movie, I want this as part of my collection.

Did any one like this movie? How about the old movie? (I never saw it but how was it compared to this one?)

2 Movie Review Comments:

Scott said...

I thought this movie was pretty cool. I agree though, I don't think its worth it seeing it in 3D. Over all though, I liked the movie.

Anonymous said...

I liked it but I saw it in 3d and it didnt seem worth the extra money