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The Village

3 3/4 stars

Run. The truce is ending.

In a quiet, isolated village in olde Pennsylvania, there lies a pact between the people of the village and the creatures who reside in the surrounding woods: the townspeople do not enter the woods, and the creatures do not enter the village. The pact stays true for many years, but when Lucius Hunt seeks medical supplies from the towns beyond the wood, the pact is challenged. Animal carcasses, devoid of fur, begin to appear around the village, causing the council of elders to fear for the safety of the village, the pact, and so much more. (Source: IMDB)

Starring: Bryce Dallas Howard, Joaquin Phoenix
Released: 2004

Megan's Movie Review:
This is a good movie! I truly enjoy this director and writer, M. Night Shyamalan. He is very creative and this story was great. It had good suspense and it kept you wondering what was going on. I really liked the romance in it too (of course). One of my favorite parts is when Ivy Walker is holding out her hand waiting for Lucius to come and the suspense is great because one of the creatures is right there about to take her hand. It has a twist in the end that I love. I never expected it. To me, any movie that M. Night Shyamalan makes is great. I also love how he is in most of his movies, playing a side character. Its like trying to find Waldo, haha. Sort of.. 

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1 Movie Review Comments:

The Village Movie said...

The movie is directed by M. Night Shyamalan with Judy Greer , Brendan Gleeson, Bryce Dallas Howard . I really like the clever and scary movies that can be one reason I liked this movie very much.