Before the United States entered World War I, young Americans went to France to be fighter pilots, joining the Lafayette Escadrille. This fictional version follows a laconic Texas rancher, an eager Nebraska kid, a Black boxer already in France, and a New York swell, as they arrive green for training, get their baptism by fire when German planes ambush them on their first mission, and graduate to heroics. Rawlings, the Texan, falls in love with a young woman he meets at a bordello. Keeping their eyes on them are Captain Thenault and Cassidy, the resident ace, who keeps a pet lion. Can the boys measure up? (Source: IMDB)
Starring: James Franco
Released: 2006

Based on a true story, I really liked it! It is kind of a slow movie at some parts, but it was really good. I really liked the romance and the girl was really cute & sweet. The war/plane fighting was entertaining and I can't imagine having to go to war and fight the way they did. The black guy was pretty cool and it was too bad that he couldn't fly for the US Airforce. I definitely liked the fact that it was based on a true story though. The ending was sad because he never found the girl after the war. But sometimes life isn't fair right?
Megan's Rating:
4 stars
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1 Movie Review Comments:
Megan I loved this movie and also would give it a 4 or better.
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