In Bedridge, Professor Parker Wilson finds an abandoned dog at the train station and takes it home with the intention of returning the animal to its owner. He finds that the dog is an Akita and names it Hachiko. However, nobody claims the dog so his family decides to keep Hachi. (Source: IMDB)
Starring: Richard Gere
Released: 2009
Megan's Movie Review:
Let's just say if you think you cried hard in 'Marley and Me' then you might (or might not) want to watch this movie. For me, I didn't cry in 'Marley and Me'. It was a good movie but the dog dies of old age, like all dogs do. It is a sad thing and I did get choked up a bit, but I did not bawl. Watching this movie, I don't know if its because I'm pregnant, but I bawled my eyes out. I had to hide my face from my husband because I was so embarassed. It was a good-sad movie. If you like sad movies, you oughta watch this. The part that made me the most sad was when his master dies and Hachi still goes back to the train station EVERY DAY for a total of 10 years (9 years in real life) to wait for his master. We also watched some of the special features on the dvd and the whole crew from the movie kept saying how they felt that this movie was about loyalty. Yes.. to me it kind of was. But I felt it was more about love.. And remembering to love those who you have lost. To also cherish them and remember them. It was good, but it was sad. Maybe I'm just a big baby and no one else cried in this movie! Let me know!
Movie Rating:
3 1/2 stars
You should watch this and tell me what you think.
1 Movie Review Comments:
I like doggies so I liked this movie. It was sad though because Hachi lived alone for the last 10 years of his life. I still thought it was a good movie that everyone should see.
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