Darren's best friend, Steve, finds a flier for an illegal freak show, which they sneak out one night to attend. Among acts such as a wolf-man (who bites off the hand of a woman in the audience) and a snake-boy, they see the vampire Mr. Crepsley and his trained poisonous spider. Darren is smitten with the spider and returns to steal her. When Steve is bitten by her, only Mr. Crepsley has an antidote to her poison. But there's a price, and Darren becomes a half vampire, learning the vampire ways, sometimes following the Cirque, and other times joining Mr. Crepsley on secret errands. (Source: Commonsensemedia.org)
Starring: John C. Reilly, Josh Hutcherson, Chris Massoglia
Megan's Movie Review:
Well... This was a little different from what I'd thought it be. First of all, I thought it would be more for kids, just by the look of the preview, but it's definitely not. Well, the kids need to be older before they watch this. It was an alright movie. Maybe a little weird. I wanted to see it because of the kid, Josh Hutcherson, who is from Bridge to Terabithia. I liked that movie, and I thought he was a cute kid. It was interesting. I don't know what the movie reviews are or if they are doing sequels to this. They are based on a series of books, so we'll see. It did have a few funny parts in it.
My Rating:
3 stars
Anybody else?
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